East Coast BBQ ~

Yum Yum~

I-Log Team
East Coast BBQ ~
Yum Yum~
I-Log Team
Posted by twinsprincess-yee at 11:53 PM 0 comments
端午节 ~
今天是一年一度的端午节。。对我来说还是要照常的上班吧 ~ 汗 =.='''。。。这几天都特别的想吃粽子哦,可是这里的粽子干嘛都那么的贵啊!!一粒就要$3喔,平时的省吃省用却都让我舍不得买一粒来吃。或许端午节前的粽子都卖的特别的贵吧,ivy叫我过了端午节再买可能会比较便宜一点。就只好忍着我快要滴出来的口水咯。。
Posted by twinsprincess-yee at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Posted by twinsprincess-yee at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Posted by twinsprincess-yee at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Posted by twinsprincess-yee at 11:06 PM 0 comments
P/S:Pls ignore me in this pic,im ugly in here @.@,but my mum is pretty ^^
Posted by twinsprincess-yee at 11:01 PM 0 comments
100 Truths of Me ~ (Tag by Fung)
001. Real Name: Yap Yee Siew @ Stephy
002. Nickname(s): Tissu @ aH Siew
003. Age: 24
004. Horoscope: Scorpion
005. Male or Female: Female
006. Elementary: 里卡士中华幼稚园
007. Middle School: 里卡士乐育(华)小学
008. High School: 里卡士乐育(马)中学
009. College School: KCC (Part-time course)
010. Hair colour: Black (latest)
011. Long or Short: Short (Wish be long)
012. Loud or Quiet: see mood
013. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats
014. Phone or Camera: My phone have camera function
015. Health Freak: Nope
016. Drink or Smoke: Just know Drink
017. Do you have a crush on someone: ......
018. Eat or Drink: Eat and drink
019. Piercings: 6
020. Tattoos: Dnt Dare
021. Social or Anti-Social: Depend
022. Rightly or lefty: Rightly
023. First piercing: Not remember
024. First relationship: He
025. First Best Friend: Luo Mei Yun
026. First Award: .......
027. First Kiss: Guy
028. First Pet: Digimon
029. First Big Vacation: China
030. First Love at first sight:Mr.HennBi
031. First Big Birthday: Born on Yap family
032. First Surgery: Never
033. First sport you joined: Swimming
034. Orange or Apple juice: Honeydew Juice
035. Rock or Rap: Both
036. Country or Screamo: Country!!
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Backstreet boys
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Both
039. Night or Day: Happy >Day / Sad > Night
040. Sun or Moon: Sun=hot / Moon=Romance
041. TV or Internet: Internet
042. Playstation or xbox: haven try xbox ler
043. Kiss or hug: Kiss and hug from mr.Henn
044. Do you believe in God?: Maybe
045. Insect you scare: everything that crawl on my body~!eww!
046. Fall or spring: Spring
047. Prepaid or Postpaid: Prepaid
048. Soccer or baseball: Badminton hahaha~
049. Eating: Whatever
050. Drinking: Whatever
051. Excitement level: I think when married ba..^^
052. I'm about to: Wish my dream can come true
053. Listening to:Ipod song
054. Plan for today: OT break my plan T.T
055. Waiting for: Salary increase
056. Energy Level: See mood
057. Thinking of someone: Yea
058. Want kids?: Want! Kids are cute
059. Want to get married?: Ofcoz
060. When?: He say after 4 year
061. How many kids do you want: Max is 3~(wish have twins)
062. Any name on the mind: Hennbi
063. What do you want to do: Faster complete this tag
065. Mellow future or wild: Will let you know in future xD
066. Something you would never try: Having baby b4 marriage & break with him
067. When do you want to die: When i was old
068. Lips or Eyes: Both
069. Romantic or Funny?: Both
070. Shorter or Taller?: Taller
071. Protective or Caring?: Caring
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Romantic
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Nice Stomach
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Loud
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Depend
077. Muscular or normal: Normal
078. Kissed a stranger: Maybe no
079. Broken a bone: Never
080. Lost glasses or contacts: Yeap~at my toilet
081. Ran away from home: Ever think b4
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: No~umbrella got la
083. Killed somebody: ya~When play game
084. Broken some one's heart: Broken by some one
085. Had your heart broken: Sure!!!
086. Been arrested: No la
087. Cried when someone died: Im easy cry
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: ya
089. Yourself: Skinny
090. Miracles:Hope
091. Love at first sight: Yes of course!!!!
092. Heaven: Never think that far
093. Santa Claus: Where's my present??
094. Tooth Fairy: No
095. Kiss in the first date: No
096. Naked in public: What!!No way!
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? : Yea
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? : Not so...
099. Wish: My parents have a healthy body & have a good relationship with him ^^
100. Tag ** people:Just inform me if you interest on this TAG
Posted by twinsprincess-yee at 9:57 PM 0 comments
30.04.09 ~ Bas ticket is 10pm. Arround 4am++ just arrive pudu.OMG,so so so sleepy & hungry.Arrive pudu still need wait aunt siang & uncle lun lagi.Alamak.so scary ler because the place have many malay ppl la...They ask me still need wait 15min lagi.ghost! After they fetch me then vL bring us go petaling street eat supper, after that just back home dream my dear :)
01.05.09 ~ Start our shopping!! today we went to sunway piramit.wow,i cant imagine i spent here almost rm300++..ghost..what i buy oh!!Skin care,Bra & other.....kill me @.@,lucky uncle vLon & aunt siang promis be my breakfast+lunch+dinner sponsor..hahaha..thx much here.. :) Dinner time went to wangsa maju steamboot with mary sis,bernice gal,popo & ah boy...but b4 that i din't tell them i go KL,just give a big surprise for them..haha..After dinner is KBox time!!yeah,thanks, again to unlce vLon sponser this entertainment...Start sing 12am until 4am!! :P
02.05.09 ~Today after go bank then went to 1U & the curve.Look nth to buy on today,maybe d shopping mood finis on ysday already..hehe..6pm around back home then went to dinner with vLon family & So Po Siang..
03.05.09 ~ Today is happines day to me :)..uncle vLon mum prepair lunch for me...wao!! feel so paiseh ler..hehe..but is very nice meal,really long time din't eat 住家饭 le...thanks very much here.After lunch went to jusco shop shop then on the way go pudu luh...Is time to say goodbye,feel a bit sadness & my tear is roll down :P....My bas time is 4.30pm,arrive s'pore already around 11.30pm,so tire man!!But is a wonderful trip for me :)
【More Pic on FB,if you interested】
Posted by twinsprincess-yee at 9:48 PM 0 comments