Spot The Different!!
Pls dnt speak out 'GHOST' when you saw my passport pic...haha
Is look so so so so fat,totally look different with my current look..Everytime pass by kastam sure will take around 5min to make sure is it is me!! =.=''

[This 1 is old passport,2005 year]
[Pls Roll Down if you interest with my NEW 2009yr passport]
[Look NICE then b4 hor ^^]
*Can you see what the different within this 2 passport??
-My FACE finally not look like BUN anymore
-My EYE look big then forward pic
-Issuing Office is different
-Me look PRETTY on current passport....haha
=.='''wat ur mean ler...
i agree that your new passport nicer la...
start MJ 'out' when c ur comment..hahaha..Thx thx
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